• 1 worm per player
(2 per team)
• Games are best of 1
• AFR - Attack From Rope
• CBA - Crate Before Attack
Crate Before Attack (CBA)
*You have to collect a health crate before attacking your opponent. If a crate is not available, you have to touch both walls instead (W2W). At Sudden Death you have to collect a crate OR touch both walls (your choice) before attacking your opponent. If you break this rule, you aren't allowed to attack the next turn.
Attack From Rope or Parachute (AFR/AFC)
*You can attack only while hanging on the rope or while using the parachute. If you break this rule, you aren't allowed to attack the next turn.
No blocking with a worm
*Your opponent is blocked if he can't get out of his spot via walking or by shooting a rope out correctly. If you block and your opponent doesn't attack, you aren't allowed to attack the next turn. If your opponent is still able to attack, you have a 5 seconds penalty at the beginning of your turn but you are allowed to attack.
No blowing up crates to do extra damage
*If you break this rule, you are not allowed to attack the next turn. If the damage is over 80, you have to skip twice.
No exploiting glitches (e.g. floating bazooka)
*Ghost grenades are allowed.